Hey There,

I'm Gloria!

 I'm so glad you're here!

I am here to help you transform from feeling overwhelmed, chaotic and feeling like you are all over the place to feeling focused and clear on what you want.  I love helping women create systems and strategies that work with their unique brains and that works with their lives.  Ultimately, I am here to help you move forward and get into action, no matter how messy that action is!

I can't wait to meet you!

-Gloria Starr


  • Credentials: ADHD Productivity Coach
  • Education: M.E.D.+30
  • Certificate:  Certified Professional Coach- ICC

In addition to my business, I’m a huge Disney and Harry Potter fanatic and an amusement

park connoisseur. I'm totally a Target and Starbucks mom who loves a good latte and loves to browse Target ALONE!   I have a love for young adult novels, Shondra Rhimes shows and going to the movies!


"In the few months that Gloria and I have been working together she has been amazing at helping keep me accountable to myself, as well as challenged me to complete tasks and projects that I've been avoiding due to lack of motivation. She has helped me with strategies to work WITH my ADHD, rather than trying to ignore it, which has been eye-opening. I look forward to our weekly calls because I know that she will push me in her kind and caring way, but not let me make excuses!"

Chaviva L.

follow me @myadhdmombrain

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